Lakeside Alliance to host an In Person Contractor/Vendor Mixer to encourage bidders to collaborate, build successful teams and network.
The mixer will cover provide the following for participants.
Educating potential bidders about the Lakeside Alliance JV Team
High Level Project Description – Tower, Forum, Library & Garage
Outlining of the Bidding/Procurement Process
Outlining Diversity & Inclusion Goals and to encouraging teaming/partnering between diverse/non diverse business entities.
Opportunity to meet Procurement Agents and Engineers responsible for managing bid packages.
To RSVP – please email Tracy Gary to receive more details.
Mixer Prep Script – 5 Minutes Max
Founding/Incorporation Year
Primary Business Location
Experience Modification Rate
Approximate Company Annual Revenue
Company Structure
Operations Structure
Local Union Affiliations
# of Employees
Approximate % City of Chicago Residents
Approximate % of Diverse Employees
Active Business Certifications (i.e. MBE, WBE, VBE)
Most prized/high profile project your company was awarded to date.
Project Scope – Bid Packages desired to pursuit
Have Extra Time? Freestyle Chat! Or Exchange contact information in the Live Chat to continue your discussion.