Subcontractor Spotlight: Spotlight Cleaning Service Inc.

Lakeside Alliance is proud to spotlight Spotlight Cleaning Service Inc, the very first vendor to begin work on the historic Obama Presidential Center. Spotlight Cleaning Service is a MBE and DBE certified, second-chance janitorial company whose Shine Technicians provide comprehensive cleaning services at the Lakeside Alliance Resource Center and on-site trailers. Check out our Q&A with Founder Kelvin Stevenson and Vice President Amy Stevenson below!

Q: What led you to pursue the kind of work you’re leading today?

Kelvin: It goes back many years! I was a substance abuse counselor and, through that work, saw the need for steady employment opportunities for those affected. The idea to create a cleaning company originally came to me as a way to give back to my clients, to give them work in the hopes that they would be able to maintain a positive lifestyle. We started the business on the West Side of Chicago from the trunk of my car.

Q: What is something you do that helps to motivate teams you lead?

Amy: We try to keep our team engaged with notes saying how great they are doing and make sure they receive positive feedback from customers after a job. People want to be part of a team, so every third week of the month we all wear pink shirts for breast cancer awareness. I am a breast cancer survivor myself and the team really rallied behind us during my treatment.

Q: What sets your business apart?

Kelvin: With customers, we listen to the unique concerns they have and customize a detailed cleaning program that fulfills exactly what they need. Beyond that, something that sets us apart is that we believe in giving second chances to people who were formerly incarcerated and struggling to find work because of it. While others tend to shy away from those who may have had obstacles in their past, it’s important to us to give back to the community in this way and help people grow and flourish.

Q: What excites you the most about being a part of this historic undertaking?

Amy: Being empowered to grow with Lakeside Alliance through the project. When Kelvin and I went to interview with the founders of Lakeside Alliance, I spoke from the bottom of my heart and told them that, “the Resource Center is small right now, as we are. But as you grow, we’ll grow, and whatever you need we’ll be ready for.” I spoke those words and now they’re coming to fruition.

Q: What advice would you give to others who are breaking into this industry and building their own business?

Kelvin: Go forward, believe in your dreams and don't be discouraged by the trials that may come your way. If you believe that you can accomplish what you set out to do, you will do it. Most importantly, bring humility and assist your community through your work. Enjoy the feeling of helping others be successful.

Amy: To add to that, if you help others, your dreams will come true, too.

Q: What is your greatest hope for the outcome of the OPC?

Amy: Our greatest hope is that this project not only brings contractors and vendors together, but serves as a symbol of how minorities can work together and be successful.

When Kelvin and I went to interview with the founders of Lakeside Alliance, I spoke from the bottom of my heart and told them that, ‘the Resource Center is small right now, as we are. But as you grow, we’ll grow, and whatever you need we’ll be ready for.’ I spoke those words and now they’re coming to fruition.
— Amy Stevenson

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