LA Stories

Workforce Spotlight: Tony Frizell
Tony Frizell is a lifelong Chicagoan, native to the South West Side. He graduated high school and started working in construction the very next day.

Workforce Spotlight: Daniel “Danny” Mendoza
Danny got his official introduction to masonry in a Job Corps building trades program 20 years ago. Today, he’s a marble mason for Cleveland Marble, the subcontractor installing granite panels on the facade of the Obama Presidential Center. In this role, he is responsible for setting stones from the mast climbers and leading one of the setting crews — a job that requires not not only skill, but nerve. While working on the Center, Danny traverses heights of up to 225 feet.

A Summer at the Obama Presidential Center Introduces Interns to Bright Futures
While they each had a unique experience, one thing all six interns can agree on is that their summer with #TeamOPC is further proof that they have chosen the right career path. Hear more from Savion Miller, Peter Borzecki, Modupe “Mo” Arowolo, Aya Hassanein, Ian Baeza and Marco Rodriguez in their own words!

Team Spotlight: Moises Rocha
Moises Rocha has been a union laborer for 24 years, but the Obama Presidential Center project still represents a number of firsts in his career — including his first-ever project from the “ground up.” He is one of only a few team members who has been on the job since day one.

Major Construction Milestone: Museum Building Top Out
In May 2024, Lakeside Alliance achieved a major construction milestone on the Obama Presidential Center site: the topping out of the Museum Building at its final height of 225 feet. A culmination of two years of world-class work, the only thing that could top this milestone was a visit by President Barack Obama on June 10, 2024 to express his appreciation to the team.

AANHPI Engineers on Inclusivity and the Obama Presidential Center
For AANHPI Heritage Month, Lakeside Alliance caught up with three team members to discuss their journey in construction, how their identity informs their work and why it’s important to create more inclusive spaces in the industry.

Meet Sandya Dandamudi of GI Stone
For Women’s History Month, Lakeside Alliance spoke with Sandya about how GI Stone is preparing for installation, her legacy as a second-generation woman owner in construction and more.

Meet Margaret Caspers Booth of Concrete Collective
For Women’s History Month, Lakeside Alliance spoke with Margaret about her role on this historic project, the advice she’d give to other women considering a career in construction and more.

Jimmy Akintonde Shines a Light on Black History in the Making
For Black History Month, Jimmy Akintonde — Lakeside Alliance Principal and Founder of UJAMAA Construction — shines a light on Lakeside Alliance’s success story, what he’s learned working alongside fellow Black-owned contractors and how joint ventures bring diversity to the table.

Mamon Powers Jr. Reflects on the Journey to Lakeside Alliance
For Black History Month, Mamon Powers Jr. — Lakeside Alliance Principal and CEO and Chairman of Powers & Sons Construction — reflects on his journey from his first encounter with engineering, to becoming a second-generation business owner, to the creation of Lakeside Alliance.

Workforce Spotlight: Candace “CJ” Brogdon
Originally born in Chicago, Candace “CJ” Brogdon returned to the city in 2021 looking for her next opportunity. That’s when she got involved with Chicago Women in Trades and got on track to a career in carpentry. Now, she’s a part of Lakeside Alliance principal firm Powers & Sons Construction and working on the Obama Presidential Center project.

Workforce Spotlight: Marquis Ruffin
Born and raised in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood, Marquis was first introduced to the building trades through St. Paul Community Development Ministries’ twelve-week pre-apprenticeship training program. After completing his carpentry apprenticeship, he joined the team at W.E. O’Neil as part of Concrete Collective and began working on the Obama Presidential Center project.

Careers in Construction: Every Role Is a Piece of the Puzzle
October is Careers in Construction Month, an opportunity to shine a light on the more than 180 roles one might find within a construction project. Every role is essential to getting to the finish line, some of which have nothing to do with fabricating steel, pouring concrete, or architecture and design. Lakeside Alliance, builder of the Obama Presidential Center, checked in with members of our team who occupy roles that may not always be the first to come to mind, but cover a range of responsibilities that are essential to the project.

Maliq Cherry Continues His Grandfather’s Legacy at Lakeside Alliance Principal Firm Powers & Sons
Maliq and his grandfather are not the only ones making a multi-generational impact at Powers & Sons. Mamon Powers, Jr., CEO and Chairman of the Board of Powers & Sons, is following in the footsteps of his father, Mamon Powers, Sr., who founded the firm in 1967. Today, third generation leadership — including Lakeside Alliance’s very own Kelly Powers Baria, daughter of Mamon Powers Jr. — is stepping in to lead the firm’s next chapter.

Rising Stars in Construction Look Back At Their Summer on Team OPC
In their own words, Kelli Caruvana, Hakeem Ahmad, Marshall Ellis, Julian Mejia, and Raphael Cardamone explain why they are pursuing careers in construction, what they’ve learned during their internship, and what being a part of this historic project has meant to them.